Asia destinations

Pick your route

If you are from Europe (like I am) be sure when visiting Asia not to visit only one country or destination like Bali or just Singapore, be sure to connect a couple of destinations because who knows when you will be back. Yes, it depends on how long you are willing and can stay in Asia, but this is just a recommendation that I went with when traveling there.

Check the weather

This is probably the most important tip that I can give you when visiting Asia, especially places like Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the main reason is that there is a monsoon season where it rains the whole time, and the weather is really bad, and at the end of the day, it will ruin the long-awaited vacation that you were planning.

Check it you need Visa

Make sure to check if you need a Visa! If you do not have a Visa but you have booked a flight, they won’t let you in and everything is lost. Since I’m from Croatia, Visas were not necessary for Malaysia, Indonesia, or Singapore, but please keep in mind that your passport has to be valid for more than 6 months until the expiration date to travel to such distant destinations.

Travel light

I have managed to survive the whole three weeks with a 10-kg suitcase and a backpack. It mostly consisted of light dresses and flip-flops and a couple of shirts and trousers. Because you are going on long trip washing clothes will become a must, so be sure to check if your hotel, resort or villas are equipped with everything needed.

Enjoy the street food

If you are from Europe, you are most likely used to eating in restaurants or at home. Well, in Asia you can forget about that, you will see most of the people eat in the streets all the time, and you need to embrace it if you want to feel the full cultural experience of Asia. Keep in mind that the food is amazing and a little bit spicy in comparison to European food.

Drink bottled water

In most destinations in Asia the water from the pipe is not recommended to be drunk, so always carry bottled water with you. Be sure to buy it in a shop and not some stand because I have seen a couple of times that water from the stands is a piped water that is just put inside a bottled and closed. In my opinion, the best solution is a reusable water bottle to carry everywhere.

Read about Europe


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